Transforming Into A Runner

How did I become a runner?

Well I still have a hard time calling myself a runner as there are so many ‘real runners’ out there, but I will self indulge for now and believe myself to be one of those ‘real runners’. I became a runner, well by running of course! But I also read a lot about running from Runner’s World to Page Spicer’s blog. I engorged myself in everything running with a huge focus on reading other people’s experiences and advice. I tried their tips and tried some of my own. Through a lot of experiences I learned how I run and what works for me but I continue to learn and improve.

Becoming a Runner

Now I feel that a little part in everyone wants to be a runner, and yes I am completely biased, but I do believe that EVERYONE has it in them to be a runner. The problem is that most people don’t know where to begin, and feel weird asking someone how to run because they feel that running is simple it’s just running.  Well yes running when you put it that way it is really simple, but it is not easy and if you want to run a second time then I have a couple suggestions. And let me throw out a disclaimer, this what I have learned and what works for me but everyone is different. I am by no means a professional runner or a coach, just a girl who loves running. So here are my top tips for beginners:

Gear Tips

1. Good shoes are essential! You need to get proper running shoes and preferable ones that are suited for your foot type, whether you need motion control, stability or cushioning. I would highly recommend going to your local running store, like Running Room, and have them assess proper shoes for you. It will make an enormous difference and will help prevent injury.

2.  Invest in technical running socks as they make a world of difference.  It seems silly but they help your feet breath, wick sweat and prevent blisters. I learned this one the hard way! I thought I had good socks, but they weren’t and until I switched to running socks I would consistently get blisters every single run no matter how short the run seemed.


1.  START SLOW!!! I cannot emphasize this enough. Every new runner makes the same mistake; you go full speed ahead and feel great, but then you crash! When you crash you feel like crap and convince yourself that you can’t do it and you are not cut out to be a runner. Well you couldn’t be more wrong. The key is to pace yourself, slow down and it will allow you to run longer. Take the “Talk Test” which is running at pace that is comfortable enough that you can still talk to your run partner. This doesn’t mean you should be able to hold a full conversation, but slow enough that you are able to talk. If you cannot talk then you are running too fast and if you can’t catch your breath then you definitely running way too fast!

2. Set reasonable goals. It is good to challenge yourself and set goals, but make them attainable. So start by committing to something within your range, so being able to do 5km within a couple months. Don’t expect yourself to be able to run a half marathon next month if you have never run more than a mile.

3.  Don’t be afraid to walk. It is not a bad thing to take a walking break if you need it. There is no shame in it, if it helps you get to your goal distance then do it and as training progresses you’ll discover you’ll need to less. I still take walk breaks if I need them.  And It is actually some people’s strategy in running races; they feel they can run faster if they take walk breaks. So take them when you need them!


1.  Make a running mantra. Running is a mental game. A lot of is conquering your own self doubt and pushing your limits. It being able to commit and not make excuses. To keep pushing when your mind tells you to stop and as cheesy as it sounds making your own mantra to keep you motivated helps when you hit these mental walls. It can be anything you want, as long as it motivates you. Some mantras I’ve heard are: ‘Pain Feels so much better than regret’, ‘Screw it, Run through it’, ‘Pain is temporary, Proud is forever’;  ‘Think strong, be strong, finish strong’, and ‘believe to achieve’. It can even be a part of a song you sing to yourself. Just make sure it has meaning and relevance to you; and own it. Every time it gets hard, you feel like quitting or can’t get yourself to even go, just repeat it to yourself and you’ll be surprised at the motivation.

2. Believe in Yourself and keep working at it. I know this is getting all after school special on you, but it’s true. Believe in yourself and you will be surprised at how far you push yourself and how much you can accomplish. Remember there will be bad runs, slow runs and painful runs, but they come and go. Make sure to not let them define you because the good runs always kick the bad one’s a*@!

I will impart one final piece of advice, the more you run the more you will enjoy it and you’ll become just as obsessed as I am, but I will let you figure that out yourself.

Happy Running!


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